Bergbahnen Dachstein Salzkammergut are based in Pinsdorf near lake Traunsee. In addition to the administration team, there is also a location for voucher sales here. Vouchers can be purchased at the Marketing & Sales department (cash only) or online.
Leitenstraße 28
4812 Pinsdorf
Gosauseestraße 52
4824 Gosau
Winkl 34
4831 Obertraun am Hallstättersee
Rudolf Ippisch-Platz 4
4802 Ebensee am Traunsee
Karl-Josef-von-Frey-Gasse 4
4810 Gmunden

The quickest way to the Dachstein West region is via the A1 motorway (Vienna-Salzburg) to the Regau junction. Continue via Gmunden, Bad Ischl and Bad Goisern to Gosau.
Journey time from Gmunden approx. 1 hour
Leave the A10 Tauern motorway (coming from Munich-Salzburg) at the "Golling" exit and continue via Abtenau on the B166 to Russbach.
Journey time from Salzburg approx. 45 minutes
Take the A10 Tauern motorway (from Graz, Carinthia, Italy, Slovenia) to the "Eben" exit and continue via St. Martin am Tennengebirge on the B166 to Annaberg.
Journey time from Eben approx. 30 minutes
The quickest way to the Feuerkogel is via the A1 Westautobahn (Vienna-Salzburg) to the Regau junction. Continue via Gmunden to Ebensee.
Journey time from Gmunden approx. 20 minutes
Take the B158 past the Fuschlsee and Wolfgangsee lakes to Bad Ischl, then continue on the B145 towards Traunsee (Gmunden) to Ebensee.
Journey time from Salzburg approx. 1 hour 15 minutes
Take the A10 Tauern motorway (from Graz, Carinthia, Italy, Slovenia) to the "Eben" exit and continue via St. Martin am Tennengebirge on the B166 to Annaberg. Continue via Russbach, Bad Goisern, Bad Ischl to Ebensee
Journey time from Eben approx. 1 hour 20 minutes
The quickest way to the Feuerkogel is via the A1 Westautobahn (Vienna-Salzburg) to the Regau junction. Then drive directly to Gmunden.
Journey time from Regau approx. 15 minutes
Follow the A1 west motorway (Salzburg-Vienna) to the Regau junction. Then drive directly to Gmunden.
Journey time from Salzburg approx. 1 hour 5 minutes
Take the A10 Tauern motorway (from Graz, Carinthia, Italy, Slovenia) to Salzburg. Then continue on the A1 Westautobahn motorway to the Regau junction. Continue directly to Gmunden.
Journey time from Salzburg approx. 1 hour 5 minutes
The quickest way to the Dachstein Krippenstein region is via the A1 Westautobahn motorway (Vienna-Salzburg) to the Regau junction. Continue via Gmunden, Bad Ischl, Bad Goisern and Hallstatt to Obertraun.
Journey time from Regau approx. 1 hour 10 minutes
Take the B158 past the Fuschlsee and Wolfgangsee lakes to Bad Ischl, then continue on the B145 via Bad Goisern and Hallstatt to Obertraun.
Journey time from Salzburg approx. 1 hour 25 minutes
Take the A10 Tauern motorway (from Graz, Carinthia, Italy, Slovenia) to the "Eben" exit and continue on the B166 via Russbach to Hallstatt and on to Obertraun.
Journey time from Eben approx. 1 hour